Once again sorry for the delays in keeping these posts up to date, I really must find more time in my week to write. Without further delay though I'll pick up where i left off, here's day 4 of my May DLP trip! =D
Thursday morning we got to the park for the 2nd hour of EMH and our first job was to meet Mickey and Donald, we had already seen Mickey this trip, but Donald is a character I hadn't managed to meet in any of my 4 previous trips so this was an obvious choice, they were meeting outside the plaza gardens restaurant so when we arrived at the park we took the opportunity to use the main street motors to travel down main street, this had also been on my wish list for some time so it was good to cross that off. By the time we got to the meet the queue was getting quite long so there was a bit of a wait, but still much less than when the park fully opens at 10, for anyone staying on site, or any AP holders I would 100% recommend getting into the park as early as possible for EMH if you want to do the character meets.
Despite the wait this was a great meet, Mickey and Donald are so playful and fun and they really play on their rivalry, with Donald signing our autograph books "Donald Duck #1" just to annoy mickey. Sprog was dressed as Merrida that day and Donald and Mickey both did a bow and arrow pose with her which was really cute!
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After the meet we decided to head to Discovery land as this was closest and Sprog really enjoyed Orbitron and Buzz lazer blast so wanted to ride them again, Buzz lazer blast is one of my favourite rides so I really didn't mind this at all, we also took the opportunity to ride autopia when it opened at 10 before the queue got too busy, sprog loved being able to control the car, and actually wasn't a half bad driver, I also enjoyed the ride more than when I last rode it on my first trip in 2010 so was pleasantly surprised!
After doing a few rides we decided to spend some time character hunting and took a walk over to Adventure land ready for the Peter and friends meet, peter was one of the characters I wanted to meet most on this trip, so when the line started moving at 11:15 i was a little bit disappointed to see it was Captain Hook that had come out to meet, we stayed in the queue anyway as both sprog and myself still wanted a photo and an autograph but when we got near to the front of the queue I was able to ask the CMs if Peter would be out at all that day, lucky for us he was due out at 12:30 which gave us exactly the right amount of time to meet hook, pop over to Fantasy land and ride small world for the hundredth time and then get back and join the queue, this worked out perfectly and we were only about 4th or 5th in the queue when Peter came out! Meeting Peter was everything I had hoped for which is always a big gamble, I was so glad that I had asked if he would be coming back out as I would have been gutted to miss him, especially as I was wearing my Peter Pan jumper!
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After Peter we popped further down Adventureland to see who was meeting at the Aladdin and friends meet, it was Jaffar, one of my favourite villains, so we jumped in the queue, unfortunately Jafar went to relieve himself not long after we joined the queue and was replaced with Genie which was a shame, but Genie was really cool and we both enjoyed meeting him!
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After Genie we decided to stick with the character hunting theme and managed to get over to Fantasyland in time to meet Alice and the queen of hearts and Alice showed sprog how to correctly greet the queen which was very cute! We then walked over to central Plaza to watch Minnie's little spring train as sprog loved doing the bunny dance, and took a walk round fantasy land, just as we were walking out of princess pavillion who comes out the door? Merrida, she was clearly in a rush so no photo or autograph but she stopped on her way to tell sprog how much she liked her dress, it was a truely magical moment!
We stopped for a late lunch at McDonalds and then took a walk around the studios and village and did some shopping before heading back into the main park in time to catch the end of Magic on Parade! This was my favourite time watching magic on parade as we managed to get a good spot by main street motors, saw the whole parade, and then as Hook's ship came past, the Peter who we met earlier was on our side of the road and spotted us, he shouted to say he remembered us and blew kisses and waved, it is the little moments like this that really make all the difference!
After magic on parade we managed to fit in a few more goes of some of our favourite rides, and got this amazing picture of me and sprog riding Pirates of the Caribbean! I mean honestly, have you ever seen a more excited happy mini Merrida?

We then headed back for our final night in the hotel ready to pack and sleep before making the most of our last day in the park! =(
Will write the last day report this week, until then, please leave your questions or comments below!
Dont forget to check out my instagram for more pics of our trip!
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