Welcome back! Following on from my Day One trip report its now time to update you on our day 2 adventures, this was our first full day in the park on this trip and I had some special surprises booked for sprog so lets jump in.
We got up early ready for our first full day and used this opportunity to make the most of the Extra Magic Hours in the main Disneyland park, having done inventions the night before we had already started to tick some characters off our list, but had a few more we really wanted to see while the queues were pretty quiet.
We got to the park for about 10 past 8 and our first stop was the Minnie Mouse meet and greet, Minnie was meeting outside her house on main street which is just to the right hand side as you first walk in, the queue was quite short still and she was in her spring dress which was a nice bonus. Interaction with Minnie was great, she was really fun and wasn't rushing people through, and even better there was a photopass photographer with her, so we were able to get some really nice photos to go with that all important autograph! next stop was to the top of main street where the Easter eggs are on display, this is the EMH meet point for Chip and Dale, and these were 2 characters i was particularly wanting to get a photo with on this trip, the chipmunks are brilliant and i would recommend that everyone meet them at DLP at least once, they're so funny and really play up, and the fact there's two of them makes it twice as funny, we actually met them twice this trip and they were and absolute pleasure both times, no photopass photographer at this meet unfortunately but there was a CM on hand to take photos for us which is always helpful!

After our 2 meet and greets we decided to do some early morning rides in fantasy land before the park started to get busy, we did the carousel, Dumbo's flying elephant and mad hatters tea cups, before taking a stroll back to the top of main street where we stopped for a snack, by this point it was about 9:45 and Thumper and Miss Bunny were due out shortly so we decided to wait for them meaning we were first in the queue when they came out. The bunnies were great! they were so cute and soft and lots of fun, I didn't expect to like that meet as much as i did, and it was definitely worth waiting for. After the bunnies we decided to head back to the hotel as I had forgotten the lunch and dinner vouchers for that day (Whoops!) so we popped into the emporium at the end of main street so sprog could buy the cuddly toy Marie she had been desperately eyeing up since the meet the day before.

We were really lucky with hotel shuttles so the pop back to the room didnt take long at all and before we knew it we were back in the park for our early lunch reservations, two of the main characters sprog wanted to meet on this trip were Cinderella and Ariel, so i had booked the 12:15 slot at Auberge De Cendrillion, this is a character dining restaurant in Fantasy land, just beside the carousel. It's a 3 course table service meal and though the food can be quite on the fancy end of the scale the staff are brilliant and will tweak the dishes where possible to make them suitable for you. We saw Suzy and perla, Cinderella, Snow White and Ariel and prince Eric! This was almost a perfect line up for us, swapping Snow White for aurora or rapunzel would have made it perfect, but now I have a reason to go back! The food was delicious and the service was great, the princesses also do a dance in the open area by the fire place and that was great to watch, would encourage everyone to try this restaurant at least once, despite the premium price tag it really was worth every penny!

After lunch it had started to rain so we used this opportunity to check out some of the under cover rides, we did Snow White, Pinocchio, and pirates of the Caribbean by which point the rain has stopped so we took a walk round and did some shopping before making our first visit of the trip to the Walt Disney Studios park, we rode ratatouille, cars, slinky dog etc and also got to have a look in the shops in this park to see what was different.

After our brief trip to the studios it was time to head to our next surprise, Buffalo Bills Wild West Dinner Show. This is an evening show based in the Disney village and is themed on Cowboys and Indians, it has a show as well as food and drink and is worth seeing at least once, we went for the 6:30 showing and got there for 5:30 so we could get a drink before the show. Another benefit of getting there early is a short meet and greet with Mickey in his cowboy outfit and the pre show which has live music and an appearance from goofy!
The show was as usual amazing, and the food and drink was great too, it was a nice chance to do something a bit different and also somewhere to stay out of the rain and have a sit down and break from the hustle of the parks for a few hours, plus you get a free cowboy hat to keep, and who doesn't like free stuff?

After the show we headed back into the main park to do a few rides again while we waited for dreams, luckily about 15 mins before dreams was due to start the rain stopped and it stayed dry for the whole show! Dreams as usual was fantastic, the combination of the Disney songs we know and love, the projections onto the iconic castle and the perfectly timed fireworks and pyrotechnics is something that takes my breath away and leaves me utterly speechless every time, and this was no exception. It can be a late night to stay up and watch it especially in the summer months if you have little people, but it was so worth it. After dreams we popped into a few shops while we waited for the park to empty and managed to take some great pics before we headed back for the evening.

So that's the end of day two and what a busy day it was, don't forget to subscribe so you can catch the rest of the trip report and leave your comments!
We got up early ready for our first full day and used this opportunity to make the most of the Extra Magic Hours in the main Disneyland park, having done inventions the night before we had already started to tick some characters off our list, but had a few more we really wanted to see while the queues were pretty quiet.
We got to the park for about 10 past 8 and our first stop was the Minnie Mouse meet and greet, Minnie was meeting outside her house on main street which is just to the right hand side as you first walk in, the queue was quite short still and she was in her spring dress which was a nice bonus. Interaction with Minnie was great, she was really fun and wasn't rushing people through, and even better there was a photopass photographer with her, so we were able to get some really nice photos to go with that all important autograph! next stop was to the top of main street where the Easter eggs are on display, this is the EMH meet point for Chip and Dale, and these were 2 characters i was particularly wanting to get a photo with on this trip, the chipmunks are brilliant and i would recommend that everyone meet them at DLP at least once, they're so funny and really play up, and the fact there's two of them makes it twice as funny, we actually met them twice this trip and they were and absolute pleasure both times, no photopass photographer at this meet unfortunately but there was a CM on hand to take photos for us which is always helpful!

After our 2 meet and greets we decided to do some early morning rides in fantasy land before the park started to get busy, we did the carousel, Dumbo's flying elephant and mad hatters tea cups, before taking a stroll back to the top of main street where we stopped for a snack, by this point it was about 9:45 and Thumper and Miss Bunny were due out shortly so we decided to wait for them meaning we were first in the queue when they came out. The bunnies were great! they were so cute and soft and lots of fun, I didn't expect to like that meet as much as i did, and it was definitely worth waiting for. After the bunnies we decided to head back to the hotel as I had forgotten the lunch and dinner vouchers for that day (Whoops!) so we popped into the emporium at the end of main street so sprog could buy the cuddly toy Marie she had been desperately eyeing up since the meet the day before.

We were really lucky with hotel shuttles so the pop back to the room didnt take long at all and before we knew it we were back in the park for our early lunch reservations, two of the main characters sprog wanted to meet on this trip were Cinderella and Ariel, so i had booked the 12:15 slot at Auberge De Cendrillion, this is a character dining restaurant in Fantasy land, just beside the carousel. It's a 3 course table service meal and though the food can be quite on the fancy end of the scale the staff are brilliant and will tweak the dishes where possible to make them suitable for you. We saw Suzy and perla, Cinderella, Snow White and Ariel and prince Eric! This was almost a perfect line up for us, swapping Snow White for aurora or rapunzel would have made it perfect, but now I have a reason to go back! The food was delicious and the service was great, the princesses also do a dance in the open area by the fire place and that was great to watch, would encourage everyone to try this restaurant at least once, despite the premium price tag it really was worth every penny!

After lunch it had started to rain so we used this opportunity to check out some of the under cover rides, we did Snow White, Pinocchio, and pirates of the Caribbean by which point the rain has stopped so we took a walk round and did some shopping before making our first visit of the trip to the Walt Disney Studios park, we rode ratatouille, cars, slinky dog etc and also got to have a look in the shops in this park to see what was different.

After our brief trip to the studios it was time to head to our next surprise, Buffalo Bills Wild West Dinner Show. This is an evening show based in the Disney village and is themed on Cowboys and Indians, it has a show as well as food and drink and is worth seeing at least once, we went for the 6:30 showing and got there for 5:30 so we could get a drink before the show. Another benefit of getting there early is a short meet and greet with Mickey in his cowboy outfit and the pre show which has live music and an appearance from goofy!
The show was as usual amazing, and the food and drink was great too, it was a nice chance to do something a bit different and also somewhere to stay out of the rain and have a sit down and break from the hustle of the parks for a few hours, plus you get a free cowboy hat to keep, and who doesn't like free stuff?

After the show we headed back into the main park to do a few rides again while we waited for dreams, luckily about 15 mins before dreams was due to start the rain stopped and it stayed dry for the whole show! Dreams as usual was fantastic, the combination of the Disney songs we know and love, the projections onto the iconic castle and the perfectly timed fireworks and pyrotechnics is something that takes my breath away and leaves me utterly speechless every time, and this was no exception. It can be a late night to stay up and watch it especially in the summer months if you have little people, but it was so worth it. After dreams we popped into a few shops while we waited for the park to empty and managed to take some great pics before we headed back for the evening.

So that's the end of day two and what a busy day it was, don't forget to subscribe so you can catch the rest of the trip report and leave your comments!