Hey guys!
So in case you haven't seen online already, last Sunday, June 16th I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to head to London to be part of the European premiere of Toy Story 4. I had an absolutely incredible day walking the red carpet, seeing some famous faces and seeing Buzz, Woody and Bo Peep, but more than that I was able to see the film in full before it hits UK cinemas on Friday!
So I decided I would take the opportunity to share my thoughts with you all, as always I'll do my best to keep things spoiler free, but if you do want to know anything more in depth you can always contact me on my social media accounts!
It's been 9 years since Toy Story 3 graced the silver screen and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has spent at least some of this time wondering how Woody and the gang are enjoying life with Bonnie in their new home, Toy Story 4 not only answers these questions in the most perfect way, but it also ties up a few loose ends from earlier on in the franchise. The film starts with a brief recap of how our heroes ended up with Bonnie and pays particular attention to the fate of Bo Peep who never made it to Sunnyside day care during the 3rd installment. All of our favourite friends are thriving in their new life with Bonnie and are surprised when Bonnie brings home a new friend from her first day at school.
Meet Forky, Yes, he is a spork, but he's called Forky so that's just a hurdle you're going to have to get over pretty quickly, voiced by Tony Hale this lovable utensil turned toy is the stand out character of the film. He's quirky, annoying and yet some how absolutely adorable in equal parts and I can honestly say I love him. An honorable mention must also go out to the rest of the new toys, Gabby gabby, Combat Carl, Ducky & Bunny, Giggle McDimples and of course, Canada's hero, Duke Caboom all of which really do a stellar job and only serve to enhance the existing cast.
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this film, I know as a life long Pixar fan a lot of people will say this is not unexpected and perhaps my views are in some way skewed or biased towards Pixar productions and though that may in some way be an unconscious bias on my part, I was one of the people who was quietly apprehensive about this film. The ending of Toy Story 3 seemed to many to be pretty conclusive, we'd followed the toys on their journey through Andy's childhood, and successfully helped him grow until it was time to leave for college, handing the toy's over to Bonnie felt like the perfect ending. So what could come next that would somehow match the level of story telling? I was wrong. The fourth installment is the true ending of the franchise, it answered questions left over from the other films and it brought the story to an emotional, but poignant close. Though I would never oppose seeing more from my favourite toys, especially if the quality stays this high, I do feel like this was the swan song, I would genuinely be very surprised if we ever got another feature length film for this franchise.
The plot was simple, and perhaps a little bit predictable in places, but it didn't matter, it didn't need to be the next work of Shakespeare, it didn't need to re invent the wheel, it was heartwarming and authentic and that's all that any of the fans could have asked for. The new characters brought some new dimensions to the film, Forky's relationship with Woody was a pleasure to watch and the comedic partnership of Ducky and Bunny added a lot of real comedy moments which I enjoyed. I felt the character development of Gabby Gabby to be really fascinating, and ended up liking her far more than I expected to going into the screening, I look forward to adding her to my Funko collection in the coming months.
I was able to see the film 5 days early at the European Premiere at the Odeon in London's iconic Leicester Square, I'd like to extend a huge, huge thank you to Elliot for inviting me and offering me a ticket! The day was really enjoyable, from walking the red carpet, to seeing Bo Peep, Woody and Buzz in the cinema Lobby, and finally to seeing Tom Hanks, Producers Andrew Stanton and Jonas Rivera and Director Josh Cooley who got up on stage before the film to welcome us and tell us a bit about how the 4th installment came to life.
It was clear that everyone involved with the production was so very proud of what they had created, and I can honestly say they deserve to be proud of what they've made possible, the film was an absolute joy if not a slightly emotional ride and will become an instant classic appreciated by not only it's original fans but also the new generations who will get to experience Bonnie's years in the way we grew with Andy.
Toy Story 4 releases in UK cinemas this Friday June 21st, I cannot recommend going to see it strongly enough!
Have you seen it yet? What did you enjoy most? Drop me a comment, but no spoilers!
Hoodsie xx