Hi Guys!
Sorry for the longer than planned break! After spending 6 magical days in Disneyland Paris, it's taken a little longer than normal to get back into the swing of things, but I'm back now and I have so much 25th anniversary stuff to share with you all!
The whole six days is a huge blur of magic and happiness so rather than a day by day trip report I'd do things a little differently this time and give you some different trip reports. So this is the first, and it's a run down of the characters I had meets with during my week celebrating DLP25, I hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday March 11th
Although I actually arrived in the parks on the Monday, it was quite late when i got there and the majority of characters had finished for the day, so I settled for parade and then upgraded my annual pass which also allowed me to collect my new photo pass! So Tuesday was my first real opportunity to meet some characters, I got up early, had a quick breakfast then packed as many Duffy costumes into my bag as I could and headed into the parks.
Our first meet of the trip was Belle, in her new home at the Art of Animation in the Studios park. We arrived around 10 am and waited about an hour for our turn, when we had finished the queue looked to be at least 50% longer than it was when we joined, so I would definitely advise getting to this one earlier rather than later. For the occasion Duffy was wearing his Beast costume from build a bear which we featured in our March Haul and the interaction we got from this was amazing and the photos are some of my favourite.

As we were already in the studios, it seemed like a good opportunity to head over to the Spider-man meet, which meant another costume change for Duffy! Due to its location in the park the Spider-man meet is often quite quiet, which is a real shame as his interaction was spot on, he's really in character, and chatty and it's a really fun meet to do, the queue when we got there was only 20 mins, so once Deandre and Sophie joined us we headed in and it was our turn really quickly! Both of these meets had photo pass photographers present, so it was great to be able to use my new photo pass that came with my annual pass straight away, and we got some really lovely pictures.

Our next character meet wasn't until after lunch time when we headed over to Frontier land to see Jessie, which yes you guessed it, meant another costume for Duffy bear, spoilt thing! Jessie tends to take over the afternoon slot at Woody's meet outside cowboy cookout, so after a spot of lunch (which was really good!) we headed over to meet her, being the huge Toy Story fan I am i came prepared with my Jessie Ears, Jessie top, and a woody costume for Duffy. Unfortunately Jessie didn't have a photo pass photographer with her, but with the help of a few friends and some helpful cast members we still got some lovely photos to remember the moment. Jessie was really interactive and loved that I was bounding as her, she loved my custom ears and made such a fuss, and even better when we went for a group photo she spotted my buzz backpack, picked it up and put it on! We had such a lovely time with her and didn't feel rushed at all, I would recommend a visit to her 100%.

Our final meet of Tuesday was in the Princess Pavilion in Fantasyland where Rapunzel had the afternoon slot, as I was with Kelly and the two Sophie's who are all fans, and as she's not normally in the pavilion we knew it was an opportunity we had to take, somehow we persuaded David to join us and off we went, we knew it was going to be a long wait, as we walked in they were changing the wait time from 90 mins to 2 hours! but we knew it would be worth it and we'd all be annoyed if we missed her, so we decided to give it our best shot. What we weren't prepared for however was the photo pass issues which caused a huge delay, if you've never been inside the princess pavilion, i'll warn you the queue really isn't very interesting and gets pretty old pretty quickly, so although unavoidable the delay was very unwelcome at this point! Eventually they got things working and we were able to meet our princess. She was brilliant and I soon forgot about the boredom of waiting so long to meet her. Again we got some lovely photos and I think some of the girls even got theirs printed, she really took so much time with all of us, doing fun poses and being super chatty, a wonderful last meet of a busy day!

Wednesday April 12th
Grand celebration day and a super early start saw us queuing for security at around 6:30am, the atmosphere was electric and I still don't think anyone knew quite what to expect. I'll probably do some sort of write up on the grand celebration later, but for now lets focus on characters, the line up for the 12th was actually pretty good, though it included a lot of common characters, Donald Daisy Mickey Minnie etc they all had special outfits for the day which made it worth meeting them again. Unfortunately the park was just so busy difficult choices had to be made.
I only actually did one character meet on the 12th, I do regret not getting over to the Max meet and just doing the wait, but I used the time to get a dated 25th T-shirt and some lunch!
The one meet I did manage to do was Duffy and Shellie May in their special outfits, and I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone! As soon as I saw them in the program I knew that had to be my priority for the day, I actually missed the first set which ended up being a blessing in disguise as they met separately to begin with. Once the first set had finished I hung around and watched the cavalcade and then go straight in the queue to wait for their second set, and watched Stars on Parade from the queue. I think I waited about 4 hours in total but my patience was rewarded when for the second set both bears were meeting together. This is my dream meet, to have both bears together in special costumes, I had both Duffy and Shellie with me too dressed in their finest, it was the perfect way to remember the day and I loved the photo so much I even paid to have it printed and put in a 25th frame to take home.

So that's the first half of my trip covered, as this was longer than planned I'll follow up with the second half shortly, hope you've enjoyed it so far.
Chat soon,
Hoodsie xx
Sorry for the longer than planned break! After spending 6 magical days in Disneyland Paris, it's taken a little longer than normal to get back into the swing of things, but I'm back now and I have so much 25th anniversary stuff to share with you all!
The whole six days is a huge blur of magic and happiness so rather than a day by day trip report I'd do things a little differently this time and give you some different trip reports. So this is the first, and it's a run down of the characters I had meets with during my week celebrating DLP25, I hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday March 11th
Although I actually arrived in the parks on the Monday, it was quite late when i got there and the majority of characters had finished for the day, so I settled for parade and then upgraded my annual pass which also allowed me to collect my new photo pass! So Tuesday was my first real opportunity to meet some characters, I got up early, had a quick breakfast then packed as many Duffy costumes into my bag as I could and headed into the parks.
Our first meet of the trip was Belle, in her new home at the Art of Animation in the Studios park. We arrived around 10 am and waited about an hour for our turn, when we had finished the queue looked to be at least 50% longer than it was when we joined, so I would definitely advise getting to this one earlier rather than later. For the occasion Duffy was wearing his Beast costume from build a bear which we featured in our March Haul and the interaction we got from this was amazing and the photos are some of my favourite.

As we were already in the studios, it seemed like a good opportunity to head over to the Spider-man meet, which meant another costume change for Duffy! Due to its location in the park the Spider-man meet is often quite quiet, which is a real shame as his interaction was spot on, he's really in character, and chatty and it's a really fun meet to do, the queue when we got there was only 20 mins, so once Deandre and Sophie joined us we headed in and it was our turn really quickly! Both of these meets had photo pass photographers present, so it was great to be able to use my new photo pass that came with my annual pass straight away, and we got some really lovely pictures.

Our next character meet wasn't until after lunch time when we headed over to Frontier land to see Jessie, which yes you guessed it, meant another costume for Duffy bear, spoilt thing! Jessie tends to take over the afternoon slot at Woody's meet outside cowboy cookout, so after a spot of lunch (which was really good!) we headed over to meet her, being the huge Toy Story fan I am i came prepared with my Jessie Ears, Jessie top, and a woody costume for Duffy. Unfortunately Jessie didn't have a photo pass photographer with her, but with the help of a few friends and some helpful cast members we still got some lovely photos to remember the moment. Jessie was really interactive and loved that I was bounding as her, she loved my custom ears and made such a fuss, and even better when we went for a group photo she spotted my buzz backpack, picked it up and put it on! We had such a lovely time with her and didn't feel rushed at all, I would recommend a visit to her 100%.

Our final meet of Tuesday was in the Princess Pavilion in Fantasyland where Rapunzel had the afternoon slot, as I was with Kelly and the two Sophie's who are all fans, and as she's not normally in the pavilion we knew it was an opportunity we had to take, somehow we persuaded David to join us and off we went, we knew it was going to be a long wait, as we walked in they were changing the wait time from 90 mins to 2 hours! but we knew it would be worth it and we'd all be annoyed if we missed her, so we decided to give it our best shot. What we weren't prepared for however was the photo pass issues which caused a huge delay, if you've never been inside the princess pavilion, i'll warn you the queue really isn't very interesting and gets pretty old pretty quickly, so although unavoidable the delay was very unwelcome at this point! Eventually they got things working and we were able to meet our princess. She was brilliant and I soon forgot about the boredom of waiting so long to meet her. Again we got some lovely photos and I think some of the girls even got theirs printed, she really took so much time with all of us, doing fun poses and being super chatty, a wonderful last meet of a busy day!

Wednesday April 12th
Grand celebration day and a super early start saw us queuing for security at around 6:30am, the atmosphere was electric and I still don't think anyone knew quite what to expect. I'll probably do some sort of write up on the grand celebration later, but for now lets focus on characters, the line up for the 12th was actually pretty good, though it included a lot of common characters, Donald Daisy Mickey Minnie etc they all had special outfits for the day which made it worth meeting them again. Unfortunately the park was just so busy difficult choices had to be made.
I only actually did one character meet on the 12th, I do regret not getting over to the Max meet and just doing the wait, but I used the time to get a dated 25th T-shirt and some lunch!
The one meet I did manage to do was Duffy and Shellie May in their special outfits, and I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone! As soon as I saw them in the program I knew that had to be my priority for the day, I actually missed the first set which ended up being a blessing in disguise as they met separately to begin with. Once the first set had finished I hung around and watched the cavalcade and then go straight in the queue to wait for their second set, and watched Stars on Parade from the queue. I think I waited about 4 hours in total but my patience was rewarded when for the second set both bears were meeting together. This is my dream meet, to have both bears together in special costumes, I had both Duffy and Shellie with me too dressed in their finest, it was the perfect way to remember the day and I loved the photo so much I even paid to have it printed and put in a 25th frame to take home.

So that's the first half of my trip covered, as this was longer than planned I'll follow up with the second half shortly, hope you've enjoyed it so far.
Chat soon,
Hoodsie xx