As well as being purchasable in the Disney parks, Disney store online now stock a small range of pins and April sees the introduction of 4 new limited edition pin sets! Here's a quick look at what's available.
Starting with the pins that were released on the 9th of the month, we have the Basil the great mouse detective pin, this is priced at £9 and has been released to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the film, it is limited to 1100 world wide.

The next release on the 9th was the Alice through the looking glass set, the commemorate the up coming film, I really like this set and think the presentation box makes the set even better, priced at £45 and limited to 1200, this is a really cool set and I think worth the price tag!

Next we have 2 further confirmed pin releases for April both on the 19th.
The first is an Esmeralda pin, from the hunchback of Notre Dame which will retail for £9, I particularly like this pin as Esmeralda merchaindise, and Hunchback merchaindise in general is limited, it's nice to see something a bit different being released! The pin is limited to a run of 300, so if you're looking to add this to your collection you'll have to be quick off the mark!

The final release for April 2016 is another set and this time it's Finding Dory, with the film scheduled for a summer 2016 release its no surprise to see the merchaindise starting to hit the shelves, what did surprise me a little though was how much the set focuses on the newer characters rather than the existing ones, I wouldn't be surprised if this set has a slower start in terms of sales but I am confident this will pick up once the film is in the cinemas. Again this is a limited run of 300 so I wouldn't hang around too long to place your order, the set is priced at £50.

So that's it for April pin releases in the UK, are you planning on getting any? Which set is your favourite and what else would you like to see this year?
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