Hey guys!
So I guess it all comes down to this, the endgame. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) burst on to the silver screen in May 2008 when Jon Favreau introduced Iron Man to the world, since then a further 20 films have expanded this universe, giving us the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and a whole load of adventures. Endgame has no easy job, trying to tie up the previous 21 films into one final plotline, it's 3 hour run time is used brilliantly by the Russo brothers to bring together our heroes for one last time.
Pic credit: @thedlpgeek twitter
I'm going to try my best to keep this review spoiler free, however, I will be referencing other films from the MCU, so apologies if you've missed any of these and I divulge something you didn't want to know!
Avengers: Endgame starts after the events of Infinity War, when we last saw our heroes they had just lost the battle to stop Thanos from gaining access to all 5 stones, which allowed him to finish his plan to wipe out 50% of all life in the galaxy. Not all of the Avengers survived, so the story now focuses on those who were left behind, the original team of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor and Hawkeye are reunited as well as Ant-Man, Rocket, Nebula, War Machine and Captain Marcel. Together they try to find a way to avenge their fallen comrades and put an end to Thanos and his trail of destruction.
Honestly, this film surpassed all of my expectations, the daunting 3 hour run time actually flew by, the pacing was perfect and there was a mix of slower moments to break up the faster-paced action scenes. There were emotional parts, and there were funny moments, the film just felt balanced. I have watched most of the previous movies leading up to this point, but I will be totally honest and say I did miss a few. Personally, I didn't find this made a huge hindrance to my understanding of the film, but I would try to go in with as much understanding of the series to date as possible as this will only enhance your experience.
Despite these characters having developed right in front of us over the last 10 years, I was surprised how much personal growth we got to go through with the original Avengers in this final instalment. No-one is ever a finished product, each character has their own flaws which make them easy to relate to and have us rooting for them even when the odds seem hopeless. Endgame does a wonderful job of completing some of these story arcs, being able to look back to where our heroes began their journey and seeing them finally flourish into their best form.
Though I can't really criticize any of the cast for their role in this movie, for me the two stand out performances were Karen Gillan as Nebula and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. Both played a variety of scenes with such emotion and depth that I was truly drawn into their characters individual plights, I felt their emotions and I felt 100% invested in them throughout the film. I would have liked to have seen a lot more of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel and also the wonderful Bradley Cooper as Rocket, thought the MCU as we know it has come to a close, I hope there is more in the future for them.
Visually, the film is stunning, I have only seen it in 2D so far, but as it was filmed entirely with IMAX digital cameras, so I would love to see it in this format at some point. I will say, the film deserves the cinema screen treatment! The colours are fantastic, the special effects are seamless, the bigger scenes are a visual treat.
Pic credit: @thedlpgeek twitter
The film is however the only film in the series other than The Incredible Hulk not to have a mid or end credits scene, though on one hand, I do feel like the film was well and truly wrapped up, this is something that feels like a tradition and feels like it was put there for the fans as much as the story and it does feel weird for there not to be one.
Overall I really enjoyed this movie, the 3 hour conclusion takes you on one heck of an emotional ride from start to finish, I strongly believe this is the final chapter that a series that has been as popular and successful as the MCU deserves. If the film doesn't perform well during the next awards season I would be truly shocked and disappointed.
Have you seen Endgame? Did you enjoy it? Drop me a comment, but please, no spoilers!
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