I guess I fell off the wagon? I'm sorry it's not that I haven't been training, it's just that sometimes, and an awful lot for me recently, life seems to get in the way, and to be honest there's not been much to tell, I run a bit, lift some weights, rinse and repeat.
But I thought I'd let you all know I'm still here, and despite everything else going on, I'm still determined, still training and still trying to make the most of this opportunity.

There is some exciting news though, at least I was excited anyway, Run Disney pins. Now last year the pin situation was to put it nicely, a nightmare, the pins are produced in such small quantities that getting hold of them was always going to be tough, add on to that anyone being allowed into the expo to purchase even if they weren't running and face it there was little chance of getting them right from the start!
In the end last year I was lucky enough to get my hands on the I did it half marathon pin when I arrived on the Friday, however the 5 km version and the replica medal pins were already gone. As you can imagine, I was kinda dreading having to do it all again this year, and the pressure of getting there as early as possible on the Thursday to queue for the chance was making organizing travel quite difficult.
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So imagine my surprise when an E-mail turns up in my inbox telling me I can pre-order my pins this year ready for collection at the expo when I arrive! This was perfect and exactly the kind of solution I had hoped for, now Disney pin trading isn't, in my opinion anyway, that big in Paris, but it's something I've really caught the bug for recently, and since owning an annual pass my collection has really grown. So when it comes to limited pins like these, as long as I like the design or it has some relevance for me, I'm going to try my hardest to get them.
For the run Disney event there are a few different pin styles, there are some generic pins, a Mickey and Minnie in their running gear and a Run Disney logo pin, these were the ones I wanted least, then there is an I did it collection, one for each race length, 5 km, 10 km and half marathon, this is the one I got last year and the main one I was hoping to get again and I'm happy to say I've been able to secure all 3 this year, though I don't feel I necessarily needed an I did it for the 5 km, it was nice to have the full set.

As well as I did it pins, each race's medal has been made as a replica pin, I really liked the idea of these last year but didn't manage to get any and the resale values online have been so high that I just couldn't bear to part with that much money. As they were also eligible for pre-order this year, I've picked up the 4 replicas that represent the races I am doing, the 5 and 10 km, the half marathon, and then a replica of the challenge medal for running both 10 km and the half! The nice thing about these is i can represent my achievements in the park without having to carry my medals, a constant reminder of the weekend!

Now the only downside to the pre-order process is as an annual pass holder I would typically be eligible for between 10 and 20% discount on these items, however this isn't available online, there is also a €2.50 handling fee on each order which has made this a little more expensive than it would otherwise be. Though it is a frustration, personally I am happy to pay full retail price and a small handling charge in order to ensure I get the pins I wanted, so I have paid it, however for the photo pass and other items, I am happy to wait until we arrive in exchange for being able to use my discount!
So that's my exciting update for July, and hopefully I'll be back again soon to tell you more about what I'm doing to prepare for the big weekend!
Hoodsie xx
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