Duffy Bear - a poem by Sophie Jo

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Hey Guys!

Wasn't expecting to blog today, I'm seeing Cars 3 this weekend so expected a review of that to be my next post, but then I received such a wonderfully thoughtful gift this morning I just couldn't not share it.

Meet Sophie Jo, one of the many friends who I've made from my time in the Disney Community You can find her on Instagram and also Twitter and shes not only a wonderful lady and a huge Disney fan, but she's an incredible writer too.

I recently got a copy of her book "kids grown up" a collection of poems inspired by Disney, and I totally love it, this morning she posted one of her poems on Instagram, and jokingly I asked if she would write a poem about Duffy Bear, I was totally shocked when a short while later, this arrived in my inbox!

I think we can all agree that this is amazing and perfectly captures my friendship with a little bear from Disneyland and I am so so so thankful for it, and the time Sophie put into doing this for us!

If you'd like to pick up your own copy of Kids grown up you can do so at her big cartel shop. In the mean time why not give her a follow and see the rest of her work, you won't be disappointed!

Thanks again Sophie, From Duffy, Shellie-May, Gelatoni and I

Hoodsie xx


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